目前分類:Oracle SQL Tuning (6)

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Enable SQL Trace For a Single Oracle DB User

-- Create Logon Trigger
create trigger t_scott_logon_trace after logon on scott.schema


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Symptom: SYS_OP_C2C Causing FULL Table Scan Instead of Index Range Scan

SYS_OP_C2C is the implicit function that is used to convert the column between NCHAR and CHAR;

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PL/SQL Interpreted & Native Compilation Comparison Testing

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Oracle 11g: PL/SQL native compilation know-how

Start with Oracle 11gR1, PL/SQL native compiler can generate native code (machine code) directly, instead of translating it to C programs and have the C compiler generate native code as of Oracle 9i and 10g do.

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Query sessions that are being locked:
select s.username as username,
s.program as program,

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For AWR (Automatic Workload Repository) Report (generated by running $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql), it's convenient to have SQL IDs listed for tuning any particular sql statement.

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