Oracle TAF (Transaction Application Failover) Configuration:!AiM4lZDi7mITgZZMEYjnz4IU-jvS0w?e=yG5mUu
Oracle TAF (Transaction Application Failover) Configuration:!AiM4lZDi7mITgZZMEYjnz4IU-jvS0w?e=yG5mUu
Oracle12cR1 RAC Step by Step Installation Procedures on Oracle VM VirtualBox 5.0
1. Create VM on Windows 10 Host Operating System
2. Install the Guest Operating System
Oracle11gR2 RAC Step by Step Installation Procedures on Oracle VM VirtualBox 5.0
1. Create VM on Windows 7 Host Operating System
2. Install the Guest Operating System
Replace Voting Disk and OCR Diskgroup (Oracle 11gR2 / ASM)
DBCA: Node Selection Page Does Not Show All Nodes in the Cluster or Custer Nodes Are Not Accessible due to upper case or lower case differences.
Oracle 11gR2 Server-Site TAF (Transaction Application Failover) Configuration:
# Create a service
srvctl add service -d RACDB -s RACDB_TAF -r "RACDB1,RACDB2,RACDB3" -P BASIC -m BASIC -z 180 -w 5 -q TRUE -e SESSION
[oracle@RAC1 OPatch]$ ./opatch lsinventory
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Oracle 11gR2 RAC – Step by Step to Add New Nodes
Oracle 11gR2 RAC (Two-Node) Installation Procedures on RHEL 5.10 (x86-64)
Pre-installation Requirements (Perform on Both Nodes):
Auditing Using Operating System Audit Trail:
after running opatch lsinventory, the error occurs as follows:
Oracle Home inventory is corrupted LsInventorySession failed: OracleHomeInventory gets null oracleHomeInfo OPatch failed with error code 73
For o2cb to function properly, two sysctl value (kernel parameter) need to be set:
$ echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_oops
Oracle Interface Configuration Tool - oifcfg
$ oifcfg help
Encountered (su - oracle) su: cannot set user id: Resource temporarily unavailable
In Oracle 11gR2 RAC RHEL5.5 environment
Solving ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist for Shared Server Mode
-- Node1 (Reset dispatchers)
ADRCI (Automatic Diagnostic Repository Command Interpreter) :
Commands for checking Oracle RAC status:
Let's switch the os user to grid by typing : su - grid