-- Display Session CPU Usage
select s.username as "Oracle User",
s.osuser as "OS User",
i.consistent_gets as "Consistent Gets",
i.physical_reads as "Physical Reads",
s.status as "Status",
s.sid "SID",s.serial# as "Serial#",
s.machine as "Machine",
s.program as "Program",
to_char(logon_time, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') as "Logon Time",
w.seconds_in_wait as "Idle Time",
name as "Stat CPU",
from v$session s,v$sess_io i,v$session_wait w,v$process p,v$statname n,v$sesstat t
where s.sid = i.sid
and s.sid = w.sid (+)
and s.username is not null
and 'SQL*Net message from client' = w.event(+)
and s.paddr = p.addr
and n.statistic# = t.statistic#
and n.name like '%cpu%'
and t.sid = s.sid
order by i.consistent_gets desc,i.physical_reads desc;
Jony Safi, DBA at Videotron Ltee, in Montreal, Quebec,Canada