According to the paragraph of "",
OPatch is an Oracle supplied utility to assist you with the process of applying interim patches to Oracle's software. OPatch is a Java-based utility which requires the Oracle Universal Installer to be installed. It is platform independent and runs on all supported operating systems. OPatch supports the following:

  • Applying an interim patch.
  • Rolling back the application of an interim patch.
  • Detecting conflict when applying an interim patch after previous interim patches have been applied. It also suggests the best options to resolve a conflict.
  • Reporting on installed products and interim patch.

Apply the current patch: (change to the latest patchset directory)
./opatch apply

Report what has been patched:
./opatch lsinventory

# sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> set linesize 120
SQL> col action_time format a32
SQL> col action format a16
SQL> col namespace format a10
SQL> col version format a10
SQL> col comments format a24
SQL> col bundle_series format a10
SQL> select * from dba_registry_history order by 1; -- view
select * from registry$history order by 1; -- source table

Show detail patches report:
./opatch lsinventory -detail



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