ASM Command - asmcmd
asmcmd -p => which show full path
Inside asmcmd:
ls -l => Display extended file information.
ls -s => Display file space information.
ls -t => Sort the listing by timestamp (lastest first) instead of by name.
lsdsk => List Oracle ASM disks.
lsdg => List diskgroups and their information. (from v$asm_diskgroup_stat)
cd => Change directory (which is case insensitive)
pwd => Display the absolute path of the current directory.
lsct => list current Oracle ASM clients from the v$asm_client view.
rm => Delete the specified Oracle ASM files and directories.
rm -r => Recursively delete files and subdirectories.
rm -f => Force the deletion of files and subdirectories.
asmcmd -p => which show full path
Inside asmcmd:
ls -l => Display extended file information.
ls -s => Display file space information.
ls -t => Sort the listing by timestamp (lastest first) instead of by name.
lsdsk => List Oracle ASM disks.
lsdg => List diskgroups and their information. (from v$asm_diskgroup_stat)
cd => Change directory (which is case insensitive)
pwd => Display the absolute path of the current directory.
lsct => list current Oracle ASM clients from the v$asm_client view.
rm => Delete the specified Oracle ASM files and directories.
rm -r => Recursively delete files and subdirectories.
rm -f => Force the deletion of files and subdirectories.