ls -l /dev/mpath
mkdir /mydisk

fdisk -l /dev/mapper/mydisk
if it doesn't contain a valid partition table -> 
fdisk /dev/mapper/mydisk    (with  w)

mke2fs -j /dev/mapper/mydisk 
(** All data on the /dev/mapper/mydisk will be erased **)

mount -t ext3 /dev/mapper/mydisk /mydisk
(also update on the /etc/fstab)
=> /dev/mapper/mydisk /mydisk ext3 defaults 0 0

For expanding the size of the device mapper disk, mke2fs -j can also be used to accomplish that. However, a copy of data on that directory needs to be performed.

ps. This scenario was tested on RHEL 4.8 with EVA-6000 SAN disk


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