目前分類:Oracle in General (111)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

When retrieving a "Ref Cursor" Parameter from Oracle Stored Procedure in ASP
receives the following error:

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Table Compression Option in Oracle 11gR2

The compression clause can be specified at the tablespace, table, or partition level with the following three options:

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ORA-14300: partitioning key maps to a partition outside maximum permitted number of partitions

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Introducing Pluggable Database, the star of Oracle Database 12c

Please refer to:

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How to Disable Oracle Database Vault Option?

To disable Oracle Database Vault option, here are the steps to follow: 

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Opatch failed with error code = 41 (Windows Server 2008 x64)

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How to Install Oracle Text Option on Oracle 11gR2 Database?

1. Install Oracle Text
SQL> conn / as sysdba

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Steps for Installing Oracle Forms and Reports 11g on Linux:

1. Download & Install Java SE Development Kit 6u37 :

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FRM-91111 and FRM-10039 When Starting Oracle Forms Builder 11g on Linux:

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Script for Purging All Tables in th Recyclebin:

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Solution to ORA-14402: updating partition key column would cause a partition change

$ oerr ora 14402

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-- Method 1
cd C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin
set ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1

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Remove ORACLE_OCM User Manually:


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SQL> select * from dba_tablespace_groups;

no rows selected

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Drop Interval Partition Encountered ORA-14758 Last partition in the range section cannot be dropped

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OSWbb - OS Watcher Black Box Usage:

tar -xvf oswbb4.0.tar

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-- Modify Snapshot Retention:

select retention from dba_hist_wr_control;

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Oracle Critical Patch Apply Steps  (RAC DB on Linux):

1.  (logon as oracle user)

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Oracle Database Startup Sequence:
Oracle database normally goes through three stages (nomount, mount, open)
to be available for users accessing it.

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