目前分類:Oracle in General (111)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

-- Backup Oracle User Account With Password
-- Applied Version: Oracle 9i and up

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If you encounter an issue that you need to truncate a particular schema's tables which may have foreign key constraints linked to each other, you will need to disable all the foreign key constraints in this schema first.

Here's the quick way to do it:

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set serveroutput on size 1000
    dbms_output.put_line('This is the test!');

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A ORA-00060 "deadlock detected"  can be the fact that the table and index INITRANS is set too low.  In addition, bitmap index can also affect the OTLP system.


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#Server Site

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8 Steps for Synchronizing Standby database:

1. Find the current SCN of the standby database:

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( Login as root)
1. create a file named "dbora" in the directory of /etc/init.d 

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The following steps can re-configure the corrupted EM :

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olsnodes:    Listing cluster nodes information

Usage: olsnodes [-n] [-p] [-i] [ | -l] [-g] [-v]

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# Oracle10gR2 RHEL4.8 x86-64 Installation Guide
# Written by Dan Brother

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SQL> desc emp
 名稱                                      空值?    類型
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------

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create table test_table
(id varchar2(12)
) pctfree 10 pctused 75 nologging;

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 防止某table被誤刪除的方法(Prevent Row Deletion Accidentally) :

-- Package

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DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT 是在DB執行 full table scan 時能降低I/O的重要參數之一. 它指明了在連續的table scan過程中一次I/O可讀取的最大區塊數

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--  Display Session CPU Usage

select s.username as "Oracle User",

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--   create views of oracle locks:

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當我們需要一份報表以橫式方現呈現時,可以用 SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH 函式達成:

-- 建立測試資料表

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/* Top 10 Analysis Using Rank() Over */

-- 建立測試資料表:

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conn /@testdb as sysdba
alter session set current_schema = scott;

col current_user format a20

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