The following command will deconfig Grid Cluster Configuration forcelly:
/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/perl -deconfig -force -verbose
The following command will deconfig Grid Cluster Configuration forcelly:
/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/perl -deconfig -force -verbose
REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE specifies how Oracle should handle dependencies upon remote PL/SQL stored procedures.
** Without prompting user for a parameter value in SQLPlus **
By default, "&" has been defined with (hex 26)
Solving ORA-12545 when connecting with SHARED SERVER mode
During the installation of Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 11g, one failed message pops up: MDS Schema Configuration failed
Oracle11gR2 on Windows Server 2008 X64 Installation Issue:
In Oracle 11gR2,
Alert Thresholds can be set through OEM or DBMS_SERVER_ALERT package.
Oracle "Merge Into" SQL Statement Example
-- create an "employee" table
In Oracle11gR2, the behavior of FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY view changes slightly.
select operation,undo_sql from flashback_transaction_query where table_name = 'test_tb';
1. 將第一個需要分析的Redo Log Files (Also apply to archive log files) 加入 (注意 .new)
What is Character Set Scanner:
The Character Set Scanner provides an assessment of the feasibility and potential issues in migrating an Oracle database to a new database character set.
Modify $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql
Global Tempoary Table的好處是資料在這類型的資料表內只能被單一session存取,
假設A session建立了一個global tempoary table 命名為 test_global_temp,並insert了多筆資料; B session也可insert 資料到自己的 test_global_temp,內容並不受A session資料的影響. Global的意思是共享table名稱,資料卻是各自管理.
Connect to Oracle using EZCONNECT:
According to the paragraph of "",
OPatch is an Oracle supplied utility to assist you with the process of applying interim patches to Oracle's software. OPatch is a Java-based utility which requires the Oracle Universal Installer to be installed. It is platform independent and runs on all supported operating systems. OPatch supports the following:
System Privileges Granted:
select * from session_privs;
create procedure get_client_ip
v_client_ip varchar2(15);
rman target / nocatalog
To open a standby database for read-only access when it is currently performing Redo Apply: