Oracle Interface Configuration Tool - oifcfg
$ oifcfg help
$ oifcfg getif
eth2 global cluster_interconnect
eth1 global public
sqlplus / as sysdba|
SQL> select inst_id,name_ksxpia,ip_ksxpia,picked_ksxpia from x$ksxpia;
* Start from 11gR2, the value of PICKED_KSXPIA has changed from "OCR" to "GPnP", which stands for Grid Plug and Play, a small XML file located in GRID_HOME/gpnp/<hostname>/profiles/peer under the name profile.xml
SQL> select inst_id,name,ip_address,is_public from gv$configured_interconnects order by 1,2;
The following website has great explanation of Interconnect Setup in RAC environment: